"El Andalon" producers Consuelo Alba and John Speyer are currently traveling through Mexico showing the documentary about Don Sergio Castro and have now made it to San Cristóbal. Their mission is to show the people of Mexico this true living legend and to gain local, regional and international support. The film reveals all facets of Don Sergio's work.
Click here to see trailer.
As for real life of the indigenous Sergio cares for, the young woman sho had 30% of her body surface area burned has died. Speaking with Sergio yesterday he explained that her complications were the cause of her demise. I commented sadly that this would not have happened in the US — she would have received the care necessary to get her back to her quality of life. He explained that he tried to get her family to take her to the hospital, but time and again they refused, as did she. There is much to understand of this "natural"(?) way of thinking.
This blog was created by friends of Sergio Castro in 2008. Sergio is a humanitarian in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, who has helped build schools, clean water systems and educates tourists on the local Maya population via his museum. He also provides wound and burn care to the locals - gratis. His museo contains a rare collection of traditional Maya costumes and clothing given as gifts over the last 45 years for his humanitarian work.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Medical Challenges
The critical burn patient in Navanchauc (see latest August posting) with 30% body surface area affected has had one complication after another. Sergio is in a quandary as to what to do. First she complained of back pain.... she may have an kidney infection due to an indwelling urinary catheter. Luckily, Sergio has ciprofloxin on hand (OTC in Mexico until 2011) which covers urinary tract infection, hence he treated empirically.
A month later Sergio explains that one of her legs is developing significant swelling that is not going down, compromising her ability to heal. As of most recently both legs are now swollen. The patient has been immobile for more than three months and her pulses on her feet are hard to find but the patient seems to be 'OK'. The list of complications can include a DVT (deep vein thrombosis), compartment syndrome (inner swelling compressing all tissues), hematoma, and poor kidney function, and probably more than I can think of.
In the US, identifying a DVT is made by using a Doppler, if positive, heparin infusion and subsequent warfarin; compartment syndrome is usually relieved by surgical means by opening up the deeper fascia layers relieve pressure/compression; hematoma also may require surgical treatment and poor kidney function can be averted by monitoring and treating appropriately. In Chiapas, this "advanced" medical care is not readily available and the patient had such an unpleasant experience in the hospital that neither she, nor the family, wants her to go back. Sergio’s option is to bring a medical doctor to evaluate the patient. He takes blood and urine with results to be determined. The urine is a good idea to rule out a bladder infection, blood work to determine if there is an underlying infection, anemia, kidney function, electrolytes….but to identify if a clot was present the patient needs a doppler/ultrasound.
Per Sergio, the physician started the patient on furosemide to help push fluid through the kidneys and reduce swelling, as of this writing it has not been successful. It's the only option for now.... just wait and see.
The patients have so much trust in Sergio but it is at times like these he needs a real medically-trained health care provider to guide and help him. These are challenging cases, he does the best he can with what he has.
Sergio encouraged the family to see a physician in Tuxtla but the patient and family refuse to go. They do not want to go back to the hospital for any reason, even if there is pending bad outcome. One has to ask why? Lack of trust? Discrimination? Lack of confidence? What could possibly stop someone from seeking urgent medical care that is limb or life threatening?
Meanwhile in the US, Consuelo and John, directors of Sergio's documentary "El Andalon", attended the Idaho Spiritual film festival and showed their work which was warmly received. No donations have come from the showing but we are always hopeful. Their next stop with the film is Mexico City, where it will be shown four times, then on to Oaxaca. They will then go to Chiapas mid-November to see Sergio personally and leave him "El Andalon" DVDs to sell at his museum.
Bloggers comment: For me, I have recruited a friend/colleague to join me in San Cristóbal in March, 2011. We are planning to take as many medical supplies as possible and to work with him for two weeks. If you would like to help this unique humanitarian with supplies, donations or medical expertise, please contact me via Sergio's email: sergiocastrosc@gmail.com or my personal email: pferrer03@gmail.com
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Last day — More patients
August 10, 2010
Two days prior to my departure Sergio and I were asked to see a young lady in a pueblo in the mountains on the old Pan American highway. On Sundays Sergio usually only cares for patients with significant wounds (the children with burns) and I have my only day off, however, this case sounded pretty grave.
Two women arrived at the museo in their indigenous garb and a driver took us to this village called Navachuc (probably grossly misspelled). It is a 30-minute drive into mountains southwest of San Cristóbal. This two-lane road was very foggy and the road somewhat serpiginous. We passed Zinacantan, a small pueblo that has a good economy growing and exporting flowers augmented by the women's incredible weaving and embroidery.
We arrived at a concrete block home near a tranquil lake that had several homes overlooking this peaceful vista. Inside this clean and organized home which was no more than 300 sq feet was a bed with a young lady, less than 20 years old, with a tented sheet over both lower legs. This patient is an epileptic which seems somewhat common with the indigenous and had an “attack” and fell into an open fire. The woman with her had not been there - she was away to wash clothes by hand and upon returning found her collapsed in the fire (usually a large concrete block or modified BBQ pit in a central area of the home) and was unsure the length of time she had been in the fire.
The end result was a full thickness burns (to the bone) on the right leg and deep dermal burns on left leg. These burns are circumferential involving most of both legs. Fortunately, her feet were spared.
She was hospitalized in Tuxtla for 15 days then transferred to the Centro de Salud in San Cristóbal for seven weeks. I’m sad to confess the care here is suboptimal at best and it is difficult to say what had been done. When we removed the tent we found her wounds unbandaged, superficial aspects of her right tibia bone necrotic and she had a catheter placed for more than 15 days. The parts of the wounds that were not dry were oozing fluid and appeared not to be infected. The family was not given any instructions on care that we know of but it appeared the patient had excellent and willing family support. She had been on her back for so long at this point she developed a 1 x 2" bed ulcer over her lower back.... indicative of little movement for two months.
This type of burn in the US would have been cared for at a burn center, probable graft or other type of tissue graft done on her right leg and physical therapy implemented at this point. She has ~30% body surface area affected which means ~30% of her skin gone! These patients lose water constantly and quickly and their bodies have a difficult time regulating their temperatures, hence she gets cold and shivers burning much need energy that should be going into her body’s healing process.
We gently cleaned her legs and applied petrolatum impregnated gauze and gently wrapped her legs in a telfa-like dressing. We explained she needs to be kept warm and eat a healthy diet while her body is trying to heal.
Our second day out she complained of severe back pain, not her legs. My concern was the indwelling catheter possibly causing a kidney infection. The family said the local doctor was coming out to see her that afternoon and the problem will be addressed. In my opinion the patient needs to start moving, urinating and defecating on own with a bed pan. Sergio explained to the family that they should make an overhead bar so she can lift herself and use her upper body muscles which will help with a bed pan potty. Her attentive family support will augment her healing progress.
Note: These severe burns are mostly caused from floor open fires and anafres which are modified BBQ used indoors on the floor in kitchens, hallways, etc, for cooking and heating. This has been their culture and way of life for eons and change comes slowly.
The family fed Sergio and me authentic corn tortillas as they’ve been made for generations, chicken soup (killing a chicken for us is a considerable expense) and gave me a handmade tote bag. I’m not sure they knew I was departing for the US soon but they showed their gratitude with hugs, food, the gift and smiles.
Prior to my leaving they brought in an elderly woman with a large basal cell skin cancer on her left forehead and incidentally another smaller one on her left cheek. In addition she had several large precancers. My plan is to return in February and I will do my best to have the equipment necessary to treat these lesions so she doesn’t end up like the man with the large basal cell on his chin (out of my comfort zone for treating).
The following day I departed this magical city with many things to think about: continued medical supplies, planned minor surgeries, meds to bring, searching for funding to support Sergio, the upcoming premier of Sergio’s documentary and the Yok Chij A.C. charity (the equivalent of a 501(c)3). While here I met with others involved with operating local Mexican NGOs who offered a tremendous amount of help. However, there will be much work to do to get all the ducks in a row to make it work. Any suggestions? I’m all ears.
I caution the reader beware the following intense photo.
This city has so much charm and simple aesthetics that adds to its richness. For any health care provider that may be interested in coming to San Cristóbal and helping out, please contact me at: pferrer03@gmail.com.
Posting by Patricia Ferrer.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
The good thing about Mexico is...........
you see things you most likely wouldn't see in the US. The bad thing about Mexico is.......you see things you most likely wouldn't see in the US.
Good: Adults lovingly caring for their elderly parents, mother and daughters unabashedly walking arm-in-arm, siblings genuinely and attentively caring for their younger siblings when crossing the street and protecting them from the rain.
Bad: Dogs uncared for with obvious disease lying around the streets. Children and adults with serious physical disabilities begging on the street.
Good: The most beautiful flowers, well-cared for lush gardens everywhere and many different types of butterflies. Fresh wholesome vegetables easily accessible and always available (mas economico tambíen).
Bad: Children with serious health problems and lack of resources to address them.
This 10-year-old was hit by a car, his leg broken and surgically repaired with metal prosthesis. He was left with large open wounds which Sergio does basic daily wound care. The child is still unable to walk and DOES NOT complain in any way.
All-in-all, I love this place. Just like the US in that we have our 'good' and 'bad' as well.
San Cristóbal de Las Casas is the most charming colonial city Bruce and I had the pleasure of visiting two years ago. It is 7500 ft above sea level, the soil is so rich that everything grows and many visitors (Mexican and foreigners) comment on the various shades of green, the wild flowers and the richness of this area. When returning to Mexico I am in awe of the food as I find beautiful vegetable markets just about everywhere.
This charm offsets the sorrow of many lives here in Chiapas. One learns to detach themselves from the horrific injuries and circumstances that present daily. Although sometimes I have no control over detachment and a pang of sadness overwhelms me momentarily, I am here to help because I want to and if I let the sadness take over, I wouldn't get anything done. I'm not sure how Sergio handles this day-in, day-out.... just a way of life I guess.
Added to our usual patient rounds was a mother with an infant seeking help. This three-month-old Tzotzil infant girl had a unilateral cleft palate and unable to suck properly to consume her mother's milk. The mother took the infant to the local doctor and was told that nothing could be done until the child was two years old. In modern medicine, this is not true. How is the baby to get any food down? Conventional wisdom recommends that these malformations are repaired within the first year of life. Luckily, Sergio's goddaughter Ana, was with us today and explained to the mother that there is a group of surgeons that come annually to do these types of repairs and they are scheduled to be here in September. We'll do all we can to connect the infant's family with this group.
This three-month-old child will fail to thrive as she is unable to suck food from her mother's breast (or bottle). She will need to be fed drop by drop.
Other tragedies include one gentleman that comes to the museo every other day for wound care for his mangled foot from an auto accident years ago. He has a chronic ulcer, uses home-made crutches and he can not work. Another woman shows up at the museo obviously ill as she was pale, bloated and appeared very fatigued. She has one functioning kidney, her face is swollen, her lungs sound congested with fluid, and she has more heart sounds than normal. Her physician told her she needs to get additional studies before he could recommend treatment. She has no money for the tests.
As for "Things you'll most likely never see in the US" is a 30-something Tzotzil man with a parasitic infection of the left foot. This condition has been brewing for 10+ years. A visit to a doctor a few years back included the recommendation of amputation.... which he rightfully avoided. Last year I saw this same man and explained to Sergio he needed a tissue biopsy to identify the culprit of this fungating, malodorous, overgrown foot. The patient has no money nor means or desire to see a doctor. Hence, Sergio does basic/chronic wound care. Upon my return this year, I see the man and his foot is a little bigger and a little worse. Again I explain my concern about a parasite - Sergio continues his wound care. Two days ago I change the bandage and out from this fungating foot came several 1/4-inch tiny worms! Still, what do we do? What is this parasite? Which lab can we send it for proper analysis? There more than likely is a medicine to treat it but where do we get it? Who will pay for all this?
Some days it seems there's a hole that can't be filled. We do what we can with what we have and hope and pray for the best. As Sergio says, "Poco a poco," (little by little) we get things done.
This and all previous posting are from Patricia Ferrer.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Some things never change
My fifth day here reveals the same traumas I've seen over the last two years since meeting Don Sergio: boiling water burns, gasoline accidents, lower extremity ulcers, dog bites and various ailments that need proper medical attention.
Many people come to Don Sergio's museo complaining of UTIs (bladder infections), arthralgias (chronic joint pain), headaches, etc. They see Don Sergio as a healer although he readily admits he is not. He gives people Tylenol or Advil when he has it and directs them to the appropriate health care facility, however, in many cases it is unlikely they will go.
Amidst his giving tours to visitors of his museo for a 35 pesos donation, rhwew ia this constant stream of patients coming. As of now there are few foreign tourista due to the economic recession. However, one recent visitor was his landlord requesting his monthly payment for his museo who recently raised his rent 66%. Paying consistently has always been challenging for Don Sergio because when he receives money it goes directly to the need at hand. This can be anything from a hungry family that presents at his door, medical supplies or paying his driver for patient rounds. Don Sergio has no car and it is much cheaper to have someone drive him around than pay for a taxi every stop along the way.
Most recently we owe thanks to the IF Foundation for their recent donation to Don Sergio. They are a non-profit seeking hopeful alternatives to end the violence, greed and destructiveness of our world. They're based in Watsonville, California. Please click on the above link to visit their website.
Be forewarned; following are photos of various wounds:
This patient is the one that seems to suffer the most during his visit to Don Sergio. Changing the bandage is so painful for him as he screams, "¡Me duele!" (It hurts me) but never does he pull back, put his hands in the way, or interfere with application of the wound dressings. In the US, we would never allow a child to endure so much pain.... here there is no choice. When we're done I see sweat droplets on his nose and upper lip and his hair is drenched.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
2010 Summer San Cristobal
All is well in San Cristóbal. I arrived late Tuesday and caught a shuttle up the 74 km cuota road to San Cristóbal. Everything is lush and richly green, the mountain-side farming is growing well and it seems as if time has stood still. Nothing has changed getting to this charming colonial mountain town.
It was raining heavily and the streets have no gutters so they become rivers and are very clean afterwards. After settling at my apartment, I took a taxi (two dollars) to Sergio's museo... there he was waiting for me. I had failed to call the day before confirming my arrival but he knew when to expect me.
The following morning he picked me up and my two large suitcases of supplies and we went on our usual patient rounds: typical venous ulcers, an older man recovering from a significant dog bite from three months prior, a 102-year-old man neurologically incapacitated with bed ulcers and an 80-year-old diabetic woman with grotesque deep heel ulcers. The type of care Sergio gives is adequate (by Mexican standards) but rudimentary compared to the care we receive in the US.
As the shuttle drove into San Cristóbal I saw a new hospital was complete: Hospital de las Culturas, but from what the locals tell me is they have no doctors to work there. People here complain about the inadequacy of health care. This was one of the issues brought up by the Zapatistas - a part of the history some venders try to capitalize on by selling rebellious images on T-shirt prints. Sixteen years later they have a hospital but no one to man it... maybe in el futuro. At the old hospital that is manned, the doctors send patients to Sergio for wound care since they have no resources.
After the morning rounds I walked around looking for a place to buy a small wash rag for showering.... after a good hour I gave up... it's easy to find someone to clean and repair your shoes but finding other things can be challenging.
While walking I observed mostly Mexican tourists, saw one gringo and few Europeans. The town is bustling with the usual indigenous people selling the same items by the thousands, the sound of the marimba in the back ground and of course a firecracker here an there.
We saw many patients at the museo and sadly there were three boys with significant leg burns, one of which was mostly healed, one at the half-way mark and the other with a long way to go. The latter, the saddest, was a boy who had to be under the age of six, as he still had all his deciduous teeth, (baby teeth - I saw all of them as he cried) with a deep circumferential burn (into the dermis - 2ndº) from his knee to his ankle. Sergio has no access to pain medication and does all wound care without it... even if he had it I'm not sure he'd use it. The mother held the boy and the sister held his foot keeping the child still as Sergio changed his bandage. The mother smiled at me as if to say, "I'm doing my job".... the sister held a serious look. After it was over, all was well with the child.... these people are resilient!
We finished around 7:00 pm, I stopped by my favorite Italian restaurant for la cena (dinner), and bought oatmeal and bananas on the way home. We'll hit it again at 9:30 am en la mañana.
A special THANK YOU to all at Tucson's WORLD CARE !! They donated 80 pounds of medical supplies..... and I"m guessing these supplies had a street value of over two thousand USD. Sergio, the Chiapanecas and I are so grateful to Lisa Hopper's long term and successful vision of collecting and distributing good and new unused medical supplies that would otherwise be discarded. These supplies are given to various medical missions and humanitarian relief programs around the world. Please click on the link above to learn more.
Wound photos to follow:
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