Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sabado: Day of Rest

Sabado 30 de octubre 2011

With the clocks turned back all in Casa de Bela were happy with an extra hour to sleep in. Kathleen and Susannah (curly blonde in dinner photo) went to the well known pottery community of Amantenango de Valle and Teopisca. They returned several hours later with a few cute straw-woven baskets for the museo clinic and a few painted pottery souvenirs.

Bela and I stayed at home and read and relaxed. Around noon, Bela took me to the market and plastic stores so I could buy better containers for Sergio's medical supplies. In the US we take it for granted that plastic items are so cheap. Here, imports are expensive and locally grown healthy food is cheap.

This is what 375 pesos will buy (~$30USDs)....I think it would have been less than $15 USD at Walmart.

Bela wanted to do some shopping for her Dia de los Muertos alter so we split up after she oriented me with the four different plastic stores. Walking through the market gave me the urge to shop but I was on a mission as was determined not to stray.

Bela preparing her alter.

The weather in San Cristobal at this time is perfect: crispy cool at night and in the morning and solar warm during the day. Bela's garden attracts many butterflies, bees, and large hummingbirds.

Posted by Patricia Ferrer.

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