March 18, 2011
Per Sergio the plan is to see the baby from Teopisca at the
museo at 9:00 am and then he has a group of students to take on a tour at the museum at 10:00 am. Kieu and I would organize the supplies while he gave the tour. Afterward we would go see the patients in San Cristóbal.

The baby girl has her burn dressing changed without pain medication.

Kieu and I organized the supplies for easy access for Don Sergio.

Sergio gives tour and educates students on the artifacts in his costume museum. He is big advocate for education and health.

We change the dressing on the patient with the vasculitic ulcer.

The patient needed some debridement so we applied lidocaine ointment 30 minutes prior. Kieu debrided the wound and we dressed the wound gently with a foam wrap and coban.

I don't think Sergio minds that we do some of the work.

By helping out we get to visit some unique homes, this is one of many.

This patient has neurocysticercosis, which is the leading cause of seizures and epilepsy in the developing world and is caused by ingestion of eggs from a tape worm in contaminated food (mostly undercooked pork and fish). He had a seizure while cooking and fell in the fire.
Kieu and I made it back for a wonderful lunch at Bela's B&B, I took a nap while Kieu checked her email. Back to the
museo at 4:00 pm.

This patient with chronic venous stasis dermatitis and ulcer that has been coming to Sergio for care.

Sergio is taking a break while Kieu is working away at this patient with ulcerated leg from falling onto a piece a metal.

Sergio is also a janitor at his
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